i love chinese food. is it because i'm half chinese? i don't think so, don't most people dig chinese food? go know? all i know is friday night chris and i were tired from a long week, couldn't decide what to eat and lacked the enthusiasm to actually go INTO a restaurant. i wanted pizza (the other half of me, italian). chris was on board, but the smallest and newest decision making member of our board of directors for the rosendin family claimed she was not in the mood for pizza.
some of you might say she's the kid and you're the parents, just have the pizza. but for foodies, it's not like that. we trio of rosendins are foodies and we try to respect each palate. this was a true test because it was 6:45pm, chris had gone riding and did not have much to eat that day (as usual) so he was bonking. my food intake was also scarce, a small bowl of oatmeal and a smattering of peanut m&ms when i got my 2pm chocolate jones. we older rosendins were furiously hungry and had maggie been lightly dusted in seasoned flour she might have gone in the frying pan, but we're better than that.... we accessorize, can rotate our thumbs and don't eat our young.
so, maggie offered her suggestion - chinese. she adores chinese too... and italian, and indian, and sushi and thai. a true foody if ever there was one. so, we called in our order to a new restaurant. not new to livermore, but new to us. now that downtown was open for the new parking, we decided to give it a whirl. i waited at home making the rice while mags and chris went to pick up our feast. now, a note about rice making. i am the BEST pot rice maker this side of of the great wall. don't show me any fancy rice cookers, i will scoff. my rice is light, airy and delicious and i do it in a pot over the stove. don't ask my secret, i will have to kill you upon divulging. 30 minutes pass and the loves of my life are finally home. apparently the restaurant was very busy so the 15 minutes turned to 30. chris starts opening the containers and we look in shock-horror.. that's not our food! apparently there was another chris and he made off with our order! would it be non pc of me to say we must look alike to them? heh. hey! i'm chinese, i can say that.
my beloved of 13 years packed it all up and drove back downtown to get our correct order. apparently they must have known he was coming having already realized the debachle with the other chris. my sweetie came home with not only our order, but the incorrect order as well. we have chinese food coming out of the wazoo! we couldn't give any away either! sridhar came over but he had already eaten. mollie, steve and the girls already had a delicious split pea soup feast ahead, bill, jan and the boys were busy all weekend. so, we have been eating chinese food for the past 4 days (okay, so 182 days was a teeny tiny exaggeration). but c'mon we all know headlines sell. would you rather have said "medical miracle! woman gives birth to self!" no, and lets face it that would be pretty gross.
so, above you saw the picture many take out containers and below my lunch today complete with a cuppa of my delicious fancy lipton decaf green tea (hey, it TASTES GOOD!), a small collection of some of our fortunes and pictures maggie drew of she and i.
i know i should just throw it away, but i can't stand to waste food. in another day this stuff will max out on shelf life so to avoid a runny bottom i will toss it out, but not before giving it the old college try! bon appetit!
ps - this chinese food is YUMMAY. a deffo do-over (just not 182 containers worth)