well, okay, maybe it's not cable cars i'm stitching, but a cabled/ribbed baby blanket. it is going swimmingly and i'm in the home stretch. marjorie was right, cabling is much easier than i ever imagined. i may escape this project with JUST enough yarn. apparently the blue sky alpaca organic cotton is not quite worsted, but bulky worsted. instead of 30" x 30" it's turning out to be 36" wide and i guess i'll make it 36" long. "they" are right, always do a swatch. lesson learned, no big loss though.. it's a blanket and perhaps the baby will enjoy having his or her toes stick out whilst swaddled. :)in between time, i am knitting myself a "scrap wrap" in a colourway that chris refers to as my "sundance wrap". :) i rather like the earthy look as is my way. greens/browns etc. even though the tri-valley gets mighty warm in the summer, we do have lovely cool evenings once the marine layer rolls in so it should prove handy. saturday afternoon i enjoyed what can only be described as knitting nirvana for me. a lovely afternoon on the beach in santa cruz, listening to the surf, soft sand between my toes and knitting needles in hand. hoooo-ahhhhh!!!!after a luxuriant afternoon in the sun and sand, i discovered a new yarn shop (the golden fleece, santa cruz). jane and liz were just terrific! what a fun couple of gals! i'd have to say that saturday was about the best day of this year because after surf, sand and yarn came a visit to our favourite brewpub, seabright brewery. nothing like a crisp ipa for chris and a refreshing wheat for me to accompany unique pub grub. to top it off we saw star wars III in the evening at the soquel drive-in. because we arrived an hour early to ensure a spot, my knitting kept me occupied while we all chatted and waited for the movie to begin. it occured to me that maggie was seeing the final installment at the same age and venue i did when the original came out c. 1977 - at age five and a half at the drive-in with my parents. being the geek that i am, i found this poignant that maggie and i were connected in this way as bookends to one of the most spectacular movie franchises ever. you know, i bet anakin skywalker would have stayed the jedi path had he found the serenity of knitting. without fiber arts he was not clear-headed when it came to fighting against the dark side of the force. if you ask me, all of the jedi could have honed their senses a bit more had they taken up the Zen art of knitting. i mean, HELLO?!?!? could they didn't realize they were in the midst of the sith! try fixing some knitting snafus on a needle and one quickly becomes one with the force :)may the force be with you
Couldn't have said it better....
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it. (Edith Wharton)
***Life is a banquet... and most poor suckers are starving to death. Live... live..... LIVE!!!!! (Auntie Mame)
***Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. (Edward Magorium
Toy impresario, wonder aficionado, avid shoe-wearer)
***A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she is in hot water. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
***Be not afraid of growing slowly. Be afraid of standing still. (Chinese proverb)