Monday, June 30, 2008


Another successful berry-picking season for Rosendin-kind! This year we went a little earlier in the season and the berries were much firmer, but still sweet. We managed 10 and a half pounds. There were still loads of unripe berries with the sweet promise of tomorrow :o) I guess if time allows and the urge hits us we have the opportunity to go back for more!

We had a lovely dinner at Carpos and Mags and I enjoyed our olallieberry shakes. Mmm.. Sunday was spent doing this and that and making some jam. We reserved a few pounds of fresh berries to be used later for other delights. Yay!

Mediterranean Pasta Salad

Last night we enjoyed a fine grilled steak, corn on the cob and Mediterranean Pasta Salad. I picked the tomato and basil from our garden just as I needed to add them to the dish. Our fresh picked basil packed quite a fragrant punch!
I humbly share this recipe with you. I modified one I found on-line. Forgive my kluge "measurements" as I have begun the metamorphosis into my mom's way of cooking. Measurements are a "pinch of this", "enough to fill the hollow of your palm" for that. Life is too much fun without measuring spoons!

Mediterranean Pasta Salad

  • 8oz cooked rotini pasta
  • 1/4 C finely chopped red onion
  • 1-2 persian cucumbers, thickly sliced
  • Handful of pitted, halved kalmata olives
  • Handful of fresh chopped basil
  • 1 medium tomato, chopped
  • Crumbled Feta Cheese
  • Vinegar
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients and let marinate in the fridge for an hour.
The fresher the ingredients the better the taste! Feel free to increase or decrease ingredients as desired.
Serve chilled.

Bon Appetit!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


I am giddy because our limited edition poster "Progress" by Scott Hansen finally arrived last night! Glad we ordered when we did as it's now sold out. Since we were out getting Mags ears pierced we missed the delivery but found it this morning when we took a peek at a new morning glory.

This is the first time in our voting lives either of us has felt passionate about a candidate. When we saw this poster, we fell in love with the artwork and the meaning. We look forward to hanging a little bit of historical progress in our home.
Yes we can.

ain't that a kick (holes) in the head

After a rocky try on the first attempt and proclamations of "never ever ever" wanting them, Maggie decided 8 months later that she did, indeed, want pierced ears after all. She was very brave, not a peep. She was very proud of herself later and pleased with the results. Another milestone for our baby. ***sigh***

Friday, June 27, 2008

a little piece of americana goes dark

Summer berry pickin' time is here and each year we make our pilgramage up the 1 to pick olallieberries just north of Santa Cruz. We finish up sticky and stained and giddy about our haul. What doesn't get eaten in route will eventually end up in our world famous olallieberry jam. It's world-famous, trust us :o) If there's enough left over we make olallieberry ice cream. Maybe this year I'll reserve some for a berry crisp.

Usually we stop and hit the beach in Santa Cruz and play. Sometimes I get to visit a yarn shop :o) As far as eats.. well, we have our faves... one year we stopped at Carpos and had yummy eats and olallieberry shakes. Occasionally we hit the Upper Crust Pizza for a slice of pesto pizza and often end our evening with tilapia fish and chips and a pint of Seabright's finest. Don't worry... Mags has a pop :o)

If we aren't too sun-tired from berry picking and surf fun, we hang out until we can catch a movie at the Soquel Skyview Drive-In. Well, we used to...... Sigh. Like most great slices of Americana this too has gone the way of the Do-Do. After some research I found that the land was bought by some medical developer. As Eloise would say Poo Poo!

Well, I guess we could always bring the portable dvd player, park near the ocean and watch a movie! :o) We'll be sure to have some ice cream..... Let's hope this landmark stays put!

Gorgonzola Pear Pasta

Occasionally I crave meat and lots of it. Other times I crave simple vegetarian dishes.

Here is a simple but delicious meal that is a favorite in our home.

Gorgonzola Pear Pasta
  • 2 pears, skinned, sliced into wedges
  • 1 sweet onion, sliced into thin wedges
  • 5oz of Gorgonzola (or 1 tub of crumbles)
  • 1 package of pasta (we like farfalle - bowtie)
  • Olive oil
  • Grated or shredded Parmesan cheese

    Bring pot of water to boil for pasta and cook while preparing onion/pear mixture.

    Prepare onion and pears. Heat olive oil in pan and add onion. Saute until translucent then add pears. Saute pears and onion on medium-low heat adding more olive oil if necessary. Cook until lightly browned on all sides. Turn off heat.

    hen pasta is cooked, drain and add to the pear and onion mixture, mix lightly and add Gorgonzola. Mix well.

    erve hot with shredded or grated Parmesan cheese on top.

    Bon appetit!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bountiful Garden Update

Each day I look in our garden I am amazed at the beauty of growing our own food.

A few things we bought already as plantlings, but our scallions, carrots, corn and lettuce are all seed-grown. We started those in a little seed greenhouse back in March.

I just came in from picking some sweet 100 tomatoes and some lettuce. Oh happy day! It just makes my heart swell with joy to see this bounty of goodness. All organic :o)

We have a few bell peppers growing, jalepenos and ambrosia melons. The corn has several ears getting bigger by the day. I wonder if you can hear corn grow? I hope our zucchini make a comeback and produce.. I worry cos I removed one of three and replanted the two about 2 weeks after planting them. It may have been too traumatic :o( My cukes are sorta hanging on but I saw one baby cornichon and if I get one for my salad I'll be a happy girl.

Last weekend Maggie and I picked our first harvest of lettuce and I had the BEST BLT on the planet!! We grilled some burgers Sunday night and enjoyed lettuce from our garden. Can't wait to put our tomatoes on there too.

Below is a sampling of our garden for you. Mmm... have a taste.. it's organic fresh picked!

Haiku of the day

Cupcakes and ice cream
Candy, soda, frosted flakes
Fruit Loop cavities


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Technicolor what?

As we left a delicious dinner at Anita's Taqueria, we had to drive around back to get back onto Railroad Ave. In the process we had to pass the front of the Good Time Tavern where we were forced to wait because a cab was double parked while waiting for a fare thus blocking our egress.

We patiently waited and in the process saw a youngish feller lumber out of the front door with his pint glass. He ambled over to the curb where he proceeded to tilt his glass and emtpy the 2oz of beer left into the gutter. It was a comical sight as he swiped at it like he was getting sand out of the glass. Still the cabbie parked and just as I was about to lose it and honk the horn (because he could have pulled to the side.. why are so many people selfish tossers?) it was then that we noticed the young man smacking his lips, gulping repeatedly and turn red in the face. I said "uh oh... looks like a dry heave!"....

Ah... what a beautiful night... Maggie had an outstanding test run on demonstrating her kata at karate, she is up to 35 out of 100 books in the library program, we had just eaten a satisfying meal at one of our fave restaurants and now.... we get to see a Technicolor Yawn. Chris said "that's no dry heave!" Though we all knew what was happening we couldn't look away (and not just because we were still STUCK behind this selfish cabbie!), but it was almost in slow motion and the kid's face was a sight to behold. I only wish I had my good camera with me cos you just don't see a multiple booze barf like that too often when you're boring folks like us. No less on a Wednesday night at 7pm!! We were just in the right place at the right time.

I simply turned to Maggie and said "did you see that?" she said "yeah" (all grossed out) and I said "I'm adding guys like THAT to the list of boys you shouldn't date" to which she replied in her "no-doy,-mom" way "Yeah, NO WAY!" Good girl.

Haiku! Why, thank you

Blank paper calls whoosh
Ink pen whispering loudly
Poems must be eaten


Yes, you too, can have fun with Haikus. Just find yourself a copy of this little beauty and you could make long since passed Masaoka Shiki (the Japanese writer who coined the term Haiku) proud.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sometimes days are just like that

Most days are great, but I'm sure you mom's (and dad's) can appreciate this Baby Blues.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Size matters

I recently visited the market to get a carton of my fave "house"vanilla ice cream... Dreyer's Grand Vanilla Bean. With real flecks of vanilla bean!

I paced the aisle searching for a good long time til I realized it was still there, but the package was different. I'm a very visually tuned creature. I buy the same things all the time, but if the packaging changes, I'm totally befuddled and lost. Such is the case with my delightful Vanilla Bean.

Only it wasn't just a redesign/color... I discovered something more nefarious. Dreyers not only changed their carton from white to brown, they also shrunk the carton from 1.75qts to 1.5qts in the process. Meanwhile the price is the same.

Those clever little marketing monkeys. Change the package and give them less for the same amount no one will notice!!! Well, I've got news, Dreyer's .... THIS knuckle dragger noticed! When I'm done with that carton I'll boycot Dreyer's. I suggest you do the same.

Here's the size comparison and yes, in some cases SIZE MATTERS. Pardon the carton, but we had already washed/recycled the old one and I had to pull it from the recycle bin and smooth it out just to get a look-see to confirm my suspicions.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Farewell "Kind Eyes" Tim Russert

I am really saddened by the news that Meet the Press Host Tim Russert died this morning at an all too young age of 58. We love watching MTP and listening to his very calm voice and diplomatic moderation. Even when he was turning the heat up on his interviews, he was always calm and respectful. This election will not be the same without him. He appeared to be a very kind-hearted man, for that we coined the term "Kind Eyes" and once in a while "Sparkle Eyes" because of his election coverage glow.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"Life moves pretty fast...."

"...if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Ferris Bueller had it right. Life does move pretty fast.

Days like today make me realize the importance of each moment. Why, just yesterday I was pregnant with Maggie... walking up Boot Hill twice a day cos I read that walking gets labor moving. I read that spicy food did too so the eve of her birth we had just finished stripping wallpaper off the kitchen of our newly moved into home (2 weeks). The nesting instinct is not a joke, no mistake! I shook lavish amounts of Cholula hot sauce on my tostada that night and 2 hours later I was in labor. Heh.

Life is fast paced and I don't always take the time to slow down and live in the present. "Never wish time away" says my friend Big Andy. I take cues from my Maggie... there is an older couple with a huge rose garden which is on our walking path to/from school. Sometimes we stop and well, cliche as it is.... smell the flowers.

Today is the last day of second grade for my Bodhisattva. Maggie is a wonder to me. She is everything I wish I was and hope to be. She is kind, intelligent, altruistic, empathetic, brave, strong and beautiful inside and out. I am blessed to be on a great journey with her ...this adventure called life.

Now.. a few photos of the last day of second grade....

Is breakfast ready yet?

Daddy hookin' up the bacon and eggs request

Ooooooooh yeah!

Looking delightful on the last day of school

Me with my hero

Monday, June 09, 2008

Be the change

Gandhi said "be the change you want to see in the world". Not just inspirational words, but words that CAN be true if we dare.

Maggie and I were almost sideswiped by a woman driving a van leaving the gas station last week. She was going entirely too fast and swerved into our lane. Maggie was sitting on that side of the car. It scared the bejeebers out of me and my blood was boiling. Not only did the idiot almost kill us, she then cut me off in the middle of the intersection. I was so upset and ranting about people. What has happened to society? I was talking to Maggie about the newsstory I heard about the 78 year old man who was run down in Hartford. Not only did the motorist who ran him down flee, but other motorists ignored him as did pedestrians. Even worse, some of those pedestrians simply stood over him, never once offering him help or calling 911. I really don't get it. How am I supposed to explain that codswollup to my 8 year old? Well, sometimes we don't have to... sometimes they explain to us.

I realized my jaded perspective when Maggie said to me "You know, Mommy, I'm going to get a meeting together with some of the other second graders. We're going to change the world!"

That was the shake of the shoulders I needed. Sometimes I forget we can be the change. Even if the goal is lofty, it is a cause worth fighting. I have my little ray of sunshine giving me hope. She is the candle and the mirror reflecting the light.

Be the change.

Here is something additionally inspirational

Friday, June 06, 2008


Mags and a couple of classmates performed their karate Kata for the school talent show. Too bad the memory chip wasn't in all the way but we got most of the demonstration.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Bee kind

Yesterday Chris got his new Newsweek and as is the custom in our house, the minute we get a publication the first thing we do is remove all of the blow-ins and other inserts which thins out our periodicals quite nicely.

One of the inserts was super cool so we kept it and plan to do as it says. It was an ad from Häagen-Daz about saving honey bees. It is a pressed page with bee-friendly wildflower seeds. You simply plant the page under a thin layer of soil in a sunny spot, water and keep moist.

just think it's a great idea and a wonderful way for a company to be proactive about the world environment.

Check out the website (click the honey bee heart to the left) and see how you can help the beeeeeees pleeeeease :) Winnie the Pooh would, so can you!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Summer music for kids of all ages

I am one of those people that has a pretty varied musical palette.

I like everything ranging from G. Love & the Special Sauce, Van Halen, Mozart, Harry Connick, Jr., John Fahey, Dean Martin, Glenn Miller, Baguette Quartette, Coldplay, Ella Fitzgerald, Me'Shell Ndgeocello, Louie Prima to ambient Yoga music and Om chant. I also used to say I liked it all except Country and Rap, but in some cases I even like small doses of those genres depending on the theme, lyric and setting.

At any rate some of our favourite summertime (and anytime music) to burst forth from our iPod are goodies found from Putumayo Kids. Actually, I enjoy just about any Putumayo CD, but there are three I'd like to suggest for you and your family.

Putumayo Dreamland

Dreamland is one of those CD's that I get all new parents. One of our fave songs is Naima by Angélique Kidjo accompanied by Carlos Santana. I always use it in some form of opening or closing meditation when I teach kids yoga or do yoga with Maggie.

Folk Playground has some terrific songs. One of my faves is Sheep. Maybe it's because I'm a knitter. Maggie's is Roller the Coaster. It's a wildly optimistic tune full of hope. It doesn't surprise me that she loves that song.

World Playground is just fun and funky. It's really hard for me to pick a song on there, but if I had to.. I'll pick two... Bongo Bong and Zichronot M'Africa. I just love this album for the simple fact that music is intrinsic to all children all around the globe. It just feels like unity to me.

I hope you have a chance to check out these CD's. The links I provided above have samples. If you don't want to buy the CD's, maybe your local library will have a copy. Though, in my humble opinion, I think it's a good investment for you and your family.

ay your evening be filled with joy and music.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Color me happy

I love to color. It was one of my favourite things to do growing up.. and since I'm still growing up.. I still love to color. There is nothing quite as heady to me as a freshly opened box of crayons and a blank piece of paper or blank coloring page.

Maggie and I enjoyed a burst of co-op coloring in her new Hello Kitty coloring book. Yes, I also still love Hello Kitty. HK is the only feline I've ever adored and not had an allergic reaction.

Why not pick up a coloring book and crayons and enjoy some inner child fun?

Couldn't have said it better....

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it. (Edith Wharton)

Life is a banquet... and most poor suckers are starving to death. Live... live..... LIVE!!!!! (Auntie Mame)

Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. (Edward Magorium
Toy impresario, wonder aficionado, avid shoe-wearer)

A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she is in hot water. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Be not afraid of growing slowly. Be afraid of standing still. (Chinese proverb)