A few things we bought already as plantlings, but our scallions, carrots, corn and lettuce are all seed-grown. We started those in a little seed greenhouse back in March.
I just came in from picking some sweet 100 tomatoes and some lettuce. Oh happy day! It just makes my heart swell with joy to see this bounty of goodness. All organic :o)
We have a few bell peppers growing, jalepenos and ambrosia melons. The corn has several ears getting bigger by the day. I wonder if you can hear corn grow? I hope our zucchini make a comeback and produce.. I worry cos I removed one of three and replanted the two about 2 weeks after planting them. It may have been too traumatic :o( My cukes are sorta hanging on but I saw one baby cornichon and if I get one for my salad I'll be a happy girl.
Last weekend Maggie and I picked our first harvest of lettuce and I had the BEST BLT on the planet!! We grilled some burgers Sunday night and enjoyed lettuce from our garden. Can't wait to put our tomatoes on there too.
Below is a sampling of our garden for you. Mmm... have a taste.. it's organic fresh picked!

andie, andie, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? :P what a beautiful garden!
Love the plants but the beautiful little lady you grew it the cutest!
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