Monday, October 31, 2005

Staaaaaar Waaaaaaaars noooothing but Staaaaaar Waaaaaaaars

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away......

there lived a boy, a girl and a wee girl.... self-proclaimed star wars geek take back the night! livermore's downtown trick or treat was a great time for us to test ride our halloween getups. chris is obi wan, i am princess leia and maggie is padme. it was a fine time for maggie and i switching mother/daughter roles. maggie had some tricked out padme hair as you can see. she loves it so much she wants it like that every day. d'oh!

we get to do it all over again monday night! woo! maggie and i love halloween, chris takes some coercing, but he loves his girls. and now... for our dramatic pose....

MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU (and you and you and you)

Friday, October 28, 2005

hip knit chick alert!

i was looking through for something and then happened on this wonderful article which made me think. it was a perfect time to read it because i just started a very arduous project for chris. i began a worsted weight raglan rollneck sweater and i have been feeling like those cartoon characters.. you know the ones.. their legs are spinning a million miles an hour and they are not advancing. then, i found the article and realized i was creating something from nothing for my sweet baboo! he would cherish it always and it would be against his skin. for me, that is sexy! "ooh, looks like someone just got sexy all over me!" (guffaw)

so, i finished the article feeling envigorated and recharged by the perspective that i'm knitting sexy here, people! as is my nature, i love to read about other people and decided to check out rachael's blog. o my lord, run, do not walk to this blog what a funny, hip knittinista! and she's a local girl, can't beat that!

knit on!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

gonna dress you up in my love

i'm completely ecstatic that maggie is at an age where she appreciates, ne is uber proud of the things i knit for her. i finally finished the musique sweater coat in colour: dune. marjie says it reminds her of a seashell and how right she is with that yarn colour name! we chose her buttons last night after work.

at pick up today a few of the mom's complimented my handiwork. apparently after chris dropped mags off for morning assembly she was showing off the sweater. aww! pardon me while i enjoy this now before she gets to an age where i am a complete idiot and she hates my entrails.

runner up!

i am thrilled to make the honorable mentions page for knitty's calendar. they didn't even choose the photo that i would have (scarf on tree, below). go know? i wish they had used the tree hugger snap.

to quote eloise - oh my lord! my bra strap is showing in this one... further to quote eloise, here's what you have to do, sklathe yourself off of the floor clink clank pick up that phone and say i had no idea they would choose THAT photo, thank you and goodbye!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Daisys in the Nursery!

well, our first daisy scout activity was quite fun. the alden lane nursery fall festival was full of adventure and the girls had a blast. we will get our activity patches soon and get these gals up and running with their patch mania. on deck at alden lane (my favorite place to shop for growing things) petting zoo, 4H display, scarecrow contest, old farm equipment display and the girl scouts booths - apple fishing, hoop/pumpkin toss, pony ride. yay! here are the gals and i before entering (we're sans maya in this picture - darn it! she came along a bit later). DAISY'S ROCK!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

It was a million to one shot, doc. Million to one.

Two visits to Muir woods to get "the money shot" (one pre-op and one post-op) and several months of waiting later, I discovered my name was not on the list of finalists for the Knitty Calendar photo contest. Oh well, I'm posting my tree hugger shot here as an homage. She will always be beautiful enough for a calendar to me. what can one do but KNIT ON!

Friday, October 07, 2005


i have proudly made a substantial dent in my yarn stash - hooray! after months of yearning to go back to yoga, i did. after months of coveting the yoga mat bag in knitted gifts, i finally made one! now i can go to and fro toting my stylish, handmade felted yoga tote. i'm deeply satisfied with the way it came out, maybe even a little.... enlightened.

Couldn't have said it better....

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it. (Edith Wharton)

Life is a banquet... and most poor suckers are starving to death. Live... live..... LIVE!!!!! (Auntie Mame)

Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. (Edward Magorium
Toy impresario, wonder aficionado, avid shoe-wearer)

A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she is in hot water. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Be not afraid of growing slowly. Be afraid of standing still. (Chinese proverb)