Mags loves to name the Babes for the Brave. I think she has a good eye for naming their personalities! We introduce Drake!
This is the last of the 3 Babes for the Brave I am knitting for this first batch. Drake just needs some clothes as you will see.. I'll be working on that next! Yes, that is Drake above behind a wild fig plant that has sprouted in our garden :o) How very cliche, I know, but innit it cute?
I had a hard time coming up with a mouth cos I'm used to making heart shaped girl-babe mouths! I think his expression is pretty good though. Maggie likes him so much she'd like me to make a Dude for her next! I'm rather fond of his unruly surfer-dude hair.
At any rate, I hope Drake, Flo & Liberty make some kids happy. These are pretty addictive to make so I'm sure I'll be making more to send to Ronni after I finish some other projects. Wouldn't it be wonderful if like Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium... the Babes and Dude come alive?
And as Mr. Magorium says...... Your life is an occasion..... rise to it!
Update - August 18: Made clothes for Drake over the weekend .... though he's a surfer dude and hip, he loves to keep current on scientific discoveries.