Oh yes, when I was sick this past weekend I got creative in my beady way and made some earrings. I know, I know... I just really have a hard time "sitting still". :o)

Chris ordered my Christmas pressies from them on December 12th. He got one smaller item but not until after Christmas. As for the other two... one was "staged for shipping" from December 26th until January 7th when it finally shipped. We are still waiting for USPS to deliver. Did I mention their shipping fees were userous? The last item has been "on the docks" for about two weeks now with no promise of ship date. He called Monday the 12th and asked it be shipped overnight immediately. They said they would.
Thursday the 15th he called and it was still "staged" and no shipping info. Additionally they kept telling Chris they don't have a way to track a package. WHAT?!? When he finally spoke to a manager they said they weren't sure it was even in stock anymore since it had gone on sale since the order over a month ago. Apparently a call to the warehouse to see if something is in stock is sort of a difficult task for a company that sells goods and ships "since 1972". The sad thing is the amount of apathy and lack of motivation the customer service people had toward us. No one was willing to think outside of the box or take it upon themselves to research further. They simply said "sorry that's the way it is".
The other thing they told him was that they were overwhelmed this holiday season and caught off guard. I'm sorry but in this economy a smallish company should be GRATEFUL for the business and be prepared to serve their customers at 110%.
My poor hubby was fraught my Christmas pressie was not only late but apparently never shipping. I told him to cancel it because it was not worth this daily aggravation. So there it is. Sahalie stinks. If you like anything in Sahalie, simply look it up because I found other items on other sites. BTW, he ordered my replacement gift last night and this morning got a shipment notification. How hard is that?
So if you value your dollar, want good products at decent prices without being gouged on shipping (not that you'll ever GET the item anyway) then DO NOT SHOP AT SAHALIE.