now, i am one of those birds that didn't care much for barbie's as a kid. as an adult i liked them even less. well, one day maggie comes in and is completely excited about the fact that our neighbor gave her a bunch of her granddaughter's dolls. while it was a lovely gesture (could we have been pawning junk off on unsuspecting children?) i can't help but wonder why she didn't ask myself or chris first. if i give anything to a kid i always ask one or both parents first.
well, amongst the rabble i find a thousand tiny polly pocket sized dolls and accessories (argh) and worse yet, a barbie (gasp), but wait..... even more horrifying.. "my scene" barbie dolls!!! bless my corns i nearly had a case of the vapors. now i am no prude, believe me, but these dolls are not an image i want mags to view as "normal". while not as horrendously slutty as the bratz dolls, mattell tried to make hip, urban slighly ho-ey dolls. i don't want my daughter playing with hookah dolls.
i let mags play with them for a few days but i couldn't take it any longer and told her they had to go. to make nice i explained that barbie's would be okay and we'd find a new barbie. enter disneyland and their fab little "then and now" 50th anniversary barbie doll. so, now we have a few barbie dolls. and compared to what else is out there, i have to say bab's isn't all that bad. the poor girl didn't come with skivs - i certainly wouldn't let her sit her pristine bum on the seats of the BART! i searched and found this fab little pattern by sarah bradberry http://www.knitting-and.com/knitting/patterns/toys/undies.htm and alas babs is no longer going commando.
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