Interesting "Norm-isms" for today
- Thursday is my favorite day of the week because it's the promise of Friday which leads to the weekend.
- I enjoy D&J. What? Josh is lovable and funny, Drake is self-centered but often funny and Mags and I adore Megan for her sinister intelligence.
<------I also enjoy ....which is a show on Nick about three teen friends in Australia who become "cursed" as mermaids and change into mermaids when they touch water. I just hope that punk kid Zane will finally learn to be a good guy.
- I was taught never to take food or drink from a stranger. Yet, in NYC, people answer the ad for a "flavor tripping party" on an apartment rooftop. The star of the party is the "Miracle Fruit" which has a protein that binds with the
taste buds the effect of which is essentially like slipping a sugar sock on the tongue. Miracle Fruit turn acidic things sweet. Lemons
taste like candy, wine tastes like Manischewitz, goat cheese like cheesecake. Interesting concept and the cat that hosts these party discovered it while searching for diabetic-friendly recipes for a friend. While it sounds cool, I guess I'm old fashioned and like my taste buds just the way they are.
- The Baskin Robbins York® Peppermint Pattie Brownie Sundae packs an
astonishing 1,610 calories and 222g of carbs (74% RDA)!!!! I know you're saying "Andie, don't be buzz kill", but DUDE!!! That's the almost the entire total caloric intake for an adult in a day! BLERG!!! Kind of brings new meaning to "a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips"!! Make no mistake I'm not a food nazi cos I've never met an It's It I didn't like, but phew!
- The average human head weighs about the same as a roaster chicken.... or 8 pounds. Now that's finger lickin good. For more interesting facts consider reading Mary Roach's book "Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers".
Couldn't have said it better....
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it. (Edith Wharton)
***Life is a banquet... and most poor suckers are starving to death. Live... live..... LIVE!!!!! (Auntie Mame)
***Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. (Edward Magorium
Toy impresario, wonder aficionado, avid shoe-wearer)
***A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she is in hot water. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
***Be not afraid of growing slowly. Be afraid of standing still. (Chinese proverb)
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