I often go on "Book Benders" that is buying or borrowing several at a time though my reading queue is quite long already.
It is true that I fit right into the mold of this list (though I think that it's safe to expand beyond YA fiction.... though I do love and read an awful lot of YA fiction.
I am definitely guilty of taking "Shelfies" -- that is photos of my physical book collection or the ones in my Kindle.
I may also exhibit this trait...

I may also show an inherent trust of people who tell me that they do not read books. I just don't get why someone wouldn't enjoy reading!?!?
OverDrive Digital Library is my Constant. I consistently check it for new books I'd like to read and revel in the fact that I can borrow said books for FREE thanks to my library card.
This in my inbox NEVER fails to excite me!
Speaking of library cards I may collect them wherever I go. Did you know that in most of the United States if you present your driver's license you can get a library card!?!? I may or may not have a Boston Public Library card. It may come to pass that when I visit London this summer I will inquire as to whether or not I can obtain a library card from The British Library.
Finally, I can honestly say that this robust list of 19 Dilemmas Every Book-Lover Has Faced At Least Once by Arianna Rebolini is wholly inaccurate! Fine. It is accurate, but thanks to my Kindle PaperWhite #3 & #4 are no longer a severe issue for me. Details, details!
Finally, if you're a Book Nerd and share in the Book culture, I've collected quite a few Pins regarding the written word. :) Hopefully they bring you enjoyment and make you chuckle before returning to your chapter.
Happy reading!!!