I'm growing up too fast. Wait, not me, my daughter. Today was her first school dance. At our school, the last Middle school dance (school is K-8) welcomes 5th graders as they get ready to enter 6th. This event has been the talk of the year. I have heard this dance discussed, ad nauseum, since August 28th, 2010.
Now the day is finally here. I offered to help chaperone the event and show up 30 minutes before the dance is to start. I had to bring something to M in her class and as I pass the girls and boys bathrooms each are filled with respective 5th grade boys and girls primping for the dance. The bell rings and students are to line up to enter the dance in the Multipurpose Room (MPR). All I can tell you is the area surrounding the kids was absolutely electric. The 5th graders were filled with so much energy. As I survey the crowd, they look as if they will absolutely burst from the anticipation. Also, the air is thick with the precipitate of different Axe cologne scents which settles into the back of my throat.
Once inside, it's dark. The strobe lights and colorful disco lights are going and the music is pumping. Who's got the 8-0-8? LVCS has got it in spades, baby! A 3pm dance doesn't seem as threatening as a dance held at night, but nevertheless as I look around I'm prepared to go Bobby Boucher (aka The Waterboy) on any boy that dares get too cheeky with my M.
I was just hoping there would be no kerfuffle and that no one would cry. SUCCESS! I worked concessions with another parent for a while.... we ran out of sodas about 1 hour into the 2 hour dance. When I replied we only had water, you'd think I had told the kids we only had bottles marked poison. M&M's, Corn Nuts, Skittles... almost all of the inventory was gone by the end of the night. I sort of felt badly for the parents of the kids who had made several trips to the snack bar... sorry for your neon-vibrating sugared up kid! By the way, is it normal for me to still see that strobe light flickering a few hours post dance? ACK!
My M had a GREAT time. A few times I caught glimpses of her up on the speakers dancing in front of the DJ with her friends. Joie de Vivre! She was quite giddy because 3 boys asked her to dance. I am not as giddy, but respect the excitement. It's times like this I miss my mom a lot. Though I dare she might have admonished me for letting M go at all. So, I feel like maybe I'm growing up alright, after all.
Things on my to-do list before the next school dance as I fear the queue of dance partners will only increase henceforth...... continue to build upper body strength and book an appointment the gun range to perfect my dead-eye.